Book Seymaz : printing is launched!!!!

Since the idea of creating a book dedicated to the birds of the Seymaz has come to light, your support has been absolutely amazing. Far beyond what I could have imagined. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you. Whether you are directly involved in the creation of the book, actively supporting the project, or following my adventures from very far, your support is really touching and encouraging. THANK YOU!!

You can order the book here:

I share in this book my contemplative and admirative vision of a piece of nature that is dear to me: the Seymaz river. Printed with a very high quality paper by Simon Graphic, a renowned printer, this book includes about 70 images, a foreword by Pierrine Poget and a poem by Thomas Prevedello. The graphic design was directed by Linda Roberts Matzinger. I am very proud to have the chance to create with friends as talented and involved.

The book has been supported by Clap Nature3 Chêne Culture - Association, Association du hameau de Villette, and Domaine de Villette.

Escape for a moment and follow the shores of the beautiful Seymaz with me.

Love Nature.


Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta)


Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)