Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus)

Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus) in Periyar Lake, Kerala, India. February 2015. Not baited. Not called in.

Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus) in Periyar Lake, Kerala, India. February 2015. Not baited. Not called in.

The picture above features another highlight of my birding adventures in Kerala in 2015 : the Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus)! Right when we arrived at Lake Palace on Periyar Lake to have lunch, we spotted a group of more than 20 Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus). Being far, I was directly amazed by their size. But when some of them took off and flew right above us, we fully enjoyed the beauty of this large soaring bird. Their grace in flight is breath-taking.



Ashy Woodswallow (Artamus fuscus)


Oriental Darter (Anhinga melanogaster)